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Smart Knee Braces for Posture Improvement

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The mid-twentieth century saw extensive use of orthotic devices by Americans to treat physical disabilities caused by poliovirus which attacks nerves and causes legs and arms paralysis. Orthotic devices such as knee braces which were used then are still used now although for different purposes. This project aims to create a smart knee brace that collects data from strategically placed sensors and automatically adjusts the knee posture by tightening and loosening. The goal of this project is to prevent muscular-skeletal disorders in people whose jobs are physical and have a higher risk of being affected by such ailments.

Key Words: Knee Brace, Knee Injuries, Novel Lacing System, Machine Learning, Sensors

Advisor: Dr. Sakthivel G
                   School of Mechanical EngineeringVellore Institute of Technology
                   Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


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