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Astronomy & Astrophysics: Projects

Pulsar Timing
(MScR Dissertation)

Timing Pulsars with the Thousand Pulsar Array on MeerKAT

  • Deployed two independent techniques Bayesian inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and a harmonic regression model with data preprocessing pipelines, to measure the variations in rotational parameters and use them to further understand the spin-down rate of the pulsars.

  • Derived coherent timing solutions using the tempo2 package for over 500 pulsars in the MeerTime Thousand-Pulsar-Array.

Astronomy & Astrophysics: Classify GWs usng DL

Gravitational Waves

Use of Deep Learning to Classify Lensed and Unlensed Gravitational Waves

  • Characteristic parameters prediction of lensed gravitational waves from LIGO time-series data.

  • Classification of lensed and unlensed gravitational waves using convolutional neural networks.


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© 2019 by Jaswant Jayacumaar

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