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Parametric Study of Solar Pond and its Prediction of Performance Parameters Using Artificial Neural Networks

Jaswant Jayacumaar      , Joshua Dominic      , Karunamurthy K  

School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

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There is a growing need to identify the adjustments required to enhance the functioning of a solar pond, especially when there are certain technical or geographical constraints. Some proven performance-enhancing techniques such as incorporating Low-Temperature Energy Storage (LTES) system in the Lower Convective Zone (LCZ) and by placing twisted tape inserts in the flow passage of the heat exchanger were incorporated. The readings were taken for both laminar & turbulent conditions. Developed an artificial neural network (ANN) model with a 5-15-3 neuron configuration to predict the performance parameters such as outlet water temperature, the efficiency of the solar pond, and the effectiveness of the heat exchanger. The data collected during experimentation is used as the training set, and random experimental data was used to validate the model. The geometry of a 5-pass heat exchanger and a twisted tape were developed using ANSYS Design Modeler 19.0 and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses were carried to investigate the effect of twisted tape inserts in the heat exchanger. It is inferred from the experimentation that providing twisted tape inserts improves the thermal performance of the heat exchanger and LTES increases the period of operation by increasing the thermal energy storage capacity of the solar pond. By using the ANN model, the degree of accuracy for the prediction of outlet water temperature is 98.63%, 97.58% for the efficiency of the solar pond, and 97.05% for the effectiveness of the heat exchanger. The correlation coefficients (R2) are 0.9735, 0.9941, and 0.9341, respectively. The error values of the prediction model are well within the desired tolerance. Thus, ANN can be used to obtain the performance parameters for different conditions of SGSP. From the CFD results, it is conclusive that the twisted tape inserts have a significant effect in laminar flow than turbulent flow.

Key Words: Solar Pond, Twisted Tape Inserts, Nanoparticles, Artificial Neural Networks, CFD Simulation

This thesis was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of  Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology

Jayacumaar, J., Dominic, J., Karunamurthy, K., (2021). Performance Analysis of Solar Pond and its Prediction. Journal of Thermal Engineering (Manuscript ID: JTEN-2021-445, Under review)

Advisor: Dr. Karunamurthy K
                   Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering
                   Vellore Institute of Technology
                   Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


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